Co-founder of Tamar’s Hope
In a previous Canadian life, Shawn was an RN and outdoor enthusiast. One day he decided to give up his scrubs and stethoscope to head for Guatemala and the glamorous life of a missionary. These days he hangs out with sex workers, tries to keep administrative order in his office, laughs with/at his adult kids, and occasionally goes screaming down Guatemalan roads on his touring bike.
Co-founder of Tamar’s Hope
Natalie is British, drinks copious amounts of tea, and holds both a knife and fork while eating a meal. More than a decade and a half into this missionary thing, she’s as passionate as ever about going into the “sewer” to love on the least, last and lost. When she’s not adult mothering, wife-ing, or kissing prostitutes, she creates pretty things with her sewing machine and fantasizes about becoming a writer.
Life Coach and Beauty Expert
Roberta laughs loud, hard and often. (Unless she’s stuck in Guatemala City traffic.) She’s as serious about education and professional development as she is about having fun in any crowd. As a teacher, entrepreneur, hairstylist, and life-long learner, Roberta brings a full life skill set to share with her “sisters” from La Linea, modeling what life can be like on the other side.
Hope Guide and Health Care Worker
The positive energy Karina brings into any room is raucous and immediately contagious. She’ll happily recount the story of closing her door on La Linea one final day and embarking on a journey of faith through small business ownership, auxiliary nursing school, home care worker and church leader. “Love is what convinced me I could change,” she declares, and has made a lifestyle of paying said love forward.
Mentor and Seamstress
A few years ago, Delmi got a taste for learning and has since become a scholastic powerhouse with pursuits into formal secondary education, sewing and fashion design. Life after La Linea has taken her all the way to opening her own tailoring business and contributing to charitable service anywhere possible. She brings her very patient and gracious teaching style to Tamar’s Hope to inspire many others.
Tamar’s Hope Volunteer
With all kinds of positive energy and quest for adventure, Paula somehow creatively juggles roles as architect, homeschool teacher, business owner, church leader and world traveler. And then occupies her “spare” time generously loving on the ladies at La Puerta once a week and helping Tamar’s Hope develop social enterprise projects.