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That was Then, This is Now

So many times, as I step through la puerta of La Puerta, I remember… THAT DAY IN NOVEMBER 2018, when the previous property owner first unlocked the chain to the rusted-out metal door.  And I stepped through the centuries old, half broken adobe wall to the most beautiful empty lot of tree-sized weeds, random construction […]

Week 52

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the sun,” taught the Qoheleth. True that. As I sit with my second cup of coffee this morning (okay, and third) and consider this past year, it seems 2023 may have been a time for not quite EVERYthing for Tamar’s Hope, but […]

Pretty Faces, Beautiful Hearts

Over the past year we’ve been privileged to welcome several new staff and volunteers to our Tamar’s Hope team. These are some seriously servant-hearted people and we love ’em lots. Just wanted to take a moment to show them off to you…   Roberta – Life Coach and Beauty Expert Roberta laughs loud, hard and […]


Sitting through two and half hours of the assiduous, one-by-one marching through diplomas, handshakes, announcements and poses – not just once, but two days in a row –  is right up there among my top 10 ideas of personal torture!! And I wish every one of our Tamar’s Hope partners could have been at last […]

Ready to Roll

Destination El Trebol, Terminal, Cerrito, Chimal, Zona 7, Villa Nueva, or dozens and dozens of other sites (no exaggeration!) around Guatemala City where many thousands of prostitutes are being exploited every day.  We are so excited to finally roll out our new mobile ministry centre!! Since the day some very kind missionary friends donated their […]

Pig Skin and Possibility

It seemed a little conspicuous, even menacing.  The ruby-coloured vehicle with excess chrome, tinted windows and underbody lights seemed somewhat out of place for a small town like Sanarate.  As it circled the central park and crawled by us for a second time, the pimped-out pickup was hard to ignore.  But only once we stepped […]

Would You Could You?

We just did a run of “20 DAYS OF WAYS TO SUPPORT TAMAR’S HOPE” over in our closed Tamar’s Hope Facebook group.  It was a series of posts of practical suggestions for our friends and partners who would like to be more involved with this ministry, even beyond making donations. Here’s the skinny version for […]